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Tag: event

Articles tagged as Event


Posted on April 24, 2024 by Grady Lagerstrom
Materialists think that all of the energy and matter in the universe is governed by physical laws.A planet circles a star at an accurate distance as a result, electrical impulses travel along neurons in the mind and blood circulates in arteries--all in accordance with law.Everything exists in its current state due to an infinite chain of law-abiding events that preceded today's circumstances.Some things can happen chaotic and random, however in fact everything is moving and interacting in accordance with precise laws such as for example those of motion, electromagnetism, gravity and strong and weak nuclear forces...

The Fear of Criticism

Posted on December 20, 2023 by Grady Lagerstrom
So often in life we wish to use something new.Such as a new sport, different style haircut, changing clothing or slimming down.But are frightened to try due to the criticism we would receive from others due to our change.As time passes we've been brainwashed into believing other's opinions and think they hold more excess weight then our very own feelings.We don not need to be judged.In order to break old habits you mustn't be controlled by outside people...

Creative Problem Solving

Posted on June 16, 2022 by Grady Lagerstrom
So, you've got a problem you need to solve quick.You have agonized over this matter all night, days, months, as well as years and you also still can't resolve it.Well, don't worry my pal; the answer has already been within you.You merely have to call forth your creative energy to be able to bring the solution into your focused mind.How can you do this? It really is easy.You merely utilize creative problem solving, that's how...

Steps for Building Self-Confidence

Posted on October 2, 2021 by Grady Lagerstrom
Self-confidence can be an all important trait you should acquire in the current fast-paced world.To begin with, you'll want confidence in yourself first to earn the confidence and respect of others.The following strategies could be beneficial to overcome such self-conquering thought habits.Examine these steps because the blocks for greater confidence in virtually any aspect of your daily life.Concentrate on your own strengths instead of on your own weaknesses...