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Tag: words

Articles tagged as Words

No Stutts - It Doesnt'T Have To Be Stutter!

Posted on June 7, 2024 by Grady Lagerstrom
Whilst having to emphasise that there surely is, at the moment, no definitive cure for stuttering, it is necessary for a stutterer to realise the problem isn't necessarily as desperate because they, or simply their family fear.Generally you can find frequent repetitions of speech sounds, syllables or words, otherwise it may be an inability to start out a word to begin with.There can also be rapid eye blinks, tremors of the lips and jaw, or other odd movements of the facial skin and chest muscles, that a one who stutters might use so that they can speak...

Why Can't We all Just Get Along?

Posted on February 19, 2023 by Grady Lagerstrom
It seems that there has to be some fundamental problem with human communication.Wherever you transform it is easy to get people having a disagreement, a conflict or one individual angry or frustrated with another for reasons uknown.But exactly why is it like this?I think among the key problems for all of us humans is our method of communicating by using language is quite limited.When one considers that people all have another picture inside our minds of how things are and how they must be, it is a bit simpler to realize the foundation for so much conflict...

Tips For Effective Listening

Posted on June 5, 2022 by Grady Lagerstrom
All to often we have been far more thinking about talking than we have been listening.Yet it really is so vital if we have been to communicate effectively.Most break downs in relationships are caused because people talk at one another without really making contact.Unless someone hears what has been said like the subtext what have little value.When we have been actively paid attention to we feel valued and so are far more more likely to take part in negotiation and compromise...