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Developing Personal Depth

Posted on January 6, 2024 by Grady Lagerstrom

Nobody really wants to certainly be a shallow person. Still, the idea of learning to be a 'deep' person turns lots of people off. We've this image of a deep person as somebody who spends a touch too enough time stroking his beard and smoking his pipe, lost in thought way beyond us mere mortals.

They ponder an excessive amount of. They're smarter than us. Each goes to the opera -and actually know very well what the fat lady is singing about! They're not normal.

Fortunately, personal depth exists as another thing altogether.

Achieving greater personal depth (rather than coincidently, greater success at whatever you pursue) involves taking specific actions. It is possible to achieve greater personal depth starting today by dealing with the seven characteristics the following.

Develop and utilize the generating energies of trust and value.

Trust: While you don't have all of the answers, you understand you'll receive by. You're 'enough' and you also know it. It is possible to depend on yourself. It is possible to depend on your power, strength and talent. Whatever happens you understand it is possible to face it: you understand you'll ensure it is. Though it might not be perfect, you'll handle the problem accessible 'good enough'. That's trust.

Value: You will possibly not be highly visible on earth, however the role you play in life *is* highly valuable. You understand you're valuable in the right path - to yourself also to those that love you. Also, you recognize, respond and do something about your value.

Develop and utilize the sustaining energies of life such as for example discipline and ownership.

The discipline that's self-imposed: You select something and you *follow through*. You follow your personal plan, your personal rules - that's discipline.

Ownership: Own your ideas and feelings. Own your emotions. Own your failures - so that you can change them. Own you are responsible. And own your successes - so that you can keep them. Ownership offers you the 'right' to improve.

Continuously create new meaning, new destiny, new personality, and new self-image.

People with personal depth never accept the direction they are. They might be satisfied, however they always seek to are more. More meaning within their life. Higher destiny. Greater complexity of personality. And new self-image.

Develop and strengthen character.

Character: By knowing your ideals as well as your principles, and living by them.... insurance firms ideas and opinions and standing by them.... That's the way you build character and therefore boost your personal depth.

Continuous expansion of one's power, strength, responsibility and creativity.

You search for ways to become more powerful; to do something, to get mixed up in world around you. You search for methods to take more responsibility from probably the most minute to probably the most magnificent. You understand your strengths to check out ways to utilize them. You focus on expanding your creativity. (Creativity is whatever you do this inspires you or inspires others.) Just going for a walk could be creative!

Sustained actualization.

You're touching your ideas and feelings, and you are not afraid to place them into action. You always think and feel. You're alert to that thinking and feeling. And you also do something about those thoughts and feelings.

Generating spirituality.

You need not separate yourself from the mundane of life to see your spirituality. Rather, you seek the spiritual *within* the material. Your spirituality eventually becomes your number 1 priority.

You arrived at realize all you experience is really a manifestation of one's spirituality. There is absolutely no separation between your spiritual and the living of life - that is the goal of the individual seeking or having personal depth.